Please note that this page refers
to federal requirements. State and local regulations
may differ. Check the page for your state on the HERC
Hazardous Waste State Resources Locator for links to more information.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
The Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) is responsible for the majority of federal programs intended
to protect human health and the environment. For issues dealing specifically
with worker safety and the workplace environment, see also the HERC
page on Worker Safety -- OSHA .
EPA's authority to regulate environmental impacts is based on a few key laws. In general, each law covers a specific type of emissions (air emission, wastewater, and "solid waste") affecting a particular part of the environment (air, surface water and groundwater, and land). HERC provides a basic information page for each of the following laws and regulations:
- RCRA (solid and hazardous wastes)
- Clean Air Act
- Clean Water Act (wastewater, stormwater and oil storage tanks).
- EPCRA (emergency preparedness, right-to-know)
- TSCA (toxic substances)
- FIFRA (pesticides, including insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, rodentcides and antimicrobials)